Saturday, March 21, 2015

what does the future holds? [Saturday 21 March 2015]

21 March 2015

10:56pm          2256


wow, its been so long since my last entry...
lemme try to remember,
ah yes
so in January
been to exam to resit
passed 1 of 2
good enough
better than 0

CNY during February
collected ang pao, thanks
boring cause no hangout lol
a few events where ppl actually ask me to attend some stuff and shits
but still boring, cuz I dont fit in same channel with them
I'm living a nl
no life, never lucky

been tuning in to a lot lately
Forsen, Kripp, Amaz
and a few guys
lol actually I'm worried that I might get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to my line of work
oh damn...
well, I won't be surprised if I got diagnosed with another disease in the not-too-far-future
heck I might even suddenly took off


soon gonna exam again, 3 papers
gotta focus 2 of it coz that 2 is not offered for exam later this year
anyhow gonna hope that I got 3
hope to return to class at May..
if that doesn't work will try for October but worry that it might not get offered or canceled at last minute... (they did this last year)
well I hope for the best
but still... nl nl
having a little phobia for my Cavernous Angioma reoccurence.. after seeing some posts and shits
that would suck...

21 March 2015