Wednesday, March 27, 2013

[Wednesday 27 March 2013]

darn I'm gone for so longggggggg from this bloggg lol
okkk ~

since last post,
been busy coding Web Design assignment Part B
duhh code a lot ~ 

and vaiours english test ~
the IELTS ~ 
reading, writing, listening, speaking ~

and finally the exam for the AAMS2613 Probability and Statistics..
darn I'm confident that I could pass it..
after chi fung taught me a lot...
then the paper...omg....
no confidence to pass it :(
shit man....

anyway, gonna move to new house soon -->> Pv 15 ~!
gonna stay in small out 2 rooms
today a potential tenant took confirmed the room ~
so its 1 down and 1 to go ~!

and brothers went Phuket trip with mom ~
so I'm 'I Am Legend' until Friday ~!
darn so sienz lol
nothing to do...
at least hang out with friendz? :( 


oh and just purchase a Abuden T-shirt and Abuden hand bands ~ 
oh and recently the kiyomi videos so popular in facebook lol -.- 

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