Wednesday, June 10, 2015

nothing again [Wednesday 10 June 2015]

10 June 2015

2:22am       0222


so lately, dunno why have this weird feeling, like a sad feeling
did nothing progressive... just helping my bro in his line of work
doing nothing at all, as usual feeling like a failure of a fail group

no story to tell, I do the same thing everyday
eat sleep rave repeat
+ play hearthstone/hots

kinda preventing myself from knowing peoples, to make friends
as sometimes I see friends of friends died in road accident..
all those sadness and RIP, that feeling sure sucks
I don't wanna get that feeling

probably gonna catch a couple movies soon
Jurassic World, Insidious etc.

been reading some novels of StarCraft lately
StarCraft: Uprising, StarCraft: Liberty's Crusade etc.
nice stories, exploring their origins, some adaption and stuffs, very nice

don think I wanna make new friend(s), as I got no "face" to meet them, a Diploma failure
every now and then some random guy do talk to me, for business purpose or just whatever things
but so far I only talk to them once... once is enough (the reason above)

and all my friends is all either in Degree adi
even the ones that started Diploma later than me
kinda don't have "face" to face them

honestly.. think the time that I will ever proceed to degree is next year (2016)
which is another year... I kinda wasted a year of my life already...
well not really a year, I would say I utilized last year to recover from the brain surgery I had (Jan 2014)
so I only begin "hae"-ing beginning this year.. but well I know what I've done...
all those time wasted, people might say why not just get a job,
well I tried.. but I got no experience, the disadvantage is on me (I might have said this before)
and nobody wants that, and supply is many (lots of other ppl want it too- when I try to apply for a part-time)
I'm a fresh newbie.. and those companies? I don't even own a Diploma cert, my only qualification is SPM
no money no life, severe level
no experience no money no life, even more severe level

but in the end, glad my parents is fine with me..
and still supports me (unless my current life is a lie.. and that would sucks 99)

I got nothing

anyway love this mix a lot, check it out

10 June 2015

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