Tuesday, February 26, 2013

~~~!!! [Monday 25 February 2013]

26 February 2013


another week!
a lot of stuff happened!! again ! haha
either I dont have time to blog or I totally forgotten about it! ops! >.<

well ~
I have a fear of getting fail in english and geting bar in maths :( T_T
because of absent :( duh duh duh
I hope better not..I dont wish to repeat...

have I said I'm gonna move soon?
I'm gonna move soon..leaving pv5 ~
to other places..still got few choices in mind ~
anyway I'm just a follower ~ haha
depends on yung and hoong ~

and last week rushed the assignment! duh ~
web design assignment lol ~ sketch ~
soon gonna start coding ~ duhhh
gonna be so pek cek >.<

if you said you care about me,
then why did you unfriend me?
fear of letting me see what I'm not supposed to see?
please, this is Facebook -_-

"All the lies and pain you put me through, I know now that your love was never true" - Francine Chair


26 February 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

ops [Monday 18 February 2013]

19 February 2013


looks like I've been away for a quite long time ~ haha
many stuffs have happened ~
Chinese New Year ~
Valentine's Day ~
Trip so USS ~

had fun at those events ~
:D :D :D
suddenly I'm lazy to type =.=

damn few stuffs pop into my mind again ~
StarCraft II, Candy Crush
resit subs for this sem, study hard for this sem
Lol ~

today many ppl at Bursary ~ haha lucky I paid my fees last week ~
saw a friend's friend take number
4677, now serving 4263 ~ HAHA

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein


19 February 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

duhh [Thursday 07 February 2013]

08 February 2013


early morning went to college ~
english class ~ not bad...
dont have final exam too..just coursework
that sounds a bit relieved..
then I'll be able to focus more for resit subs...
hopes hopes..

oh yea..the sem 2 exam results released on Tuesday..
the results were just as I expected...well...
as usual..more efforts required...
I have reasons...logical reasons...anyway..well..

well today goes normal ~
the web design class ~
learnt more ~ assignments...shyt!! hahaha
hope can do it before due date.. ~ >.<
as my group members..dont konw whether they reliable or not Lol >p<

dismissed around 3pm ~
think for a while..
went back home  ~
just doing nothing ~
eating snacks ~ usual chores ~ laundry ~
nothing ~ just nothing ~

Chinese New Year coming soon...

anyhow..this video exists on the desktop here quite some time already..
but I never actually went in to it...and just now I did..
and it was beautiful...true...sad... :')
about a relationship..

*link to the video

it made me cry..just like many other people did...
but...be true...accept reality...
continue living..

"Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself." - Deborah Reber


08 February 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

late [Wednesday 06 February 2013]

07 February 2013


been waking up late ~ Lol duhhh
Monday is the 1st day of sem 3 ~
woke up late lol and missed the 1st class of english..ops nvm ~ >.<
not bad too that day...
then at night 'slept early' ops ~
but a very bad sleep...I mean not a good sleep >p<
woke up few times...that what what condition again ~ duhhhh
morning woke up ~
prepped ~
went to 1st class of Web Design ~
nice ~ I think its easier than C..but its just the beginning now..
dunno will difficult later or not...
same goes with the maths...coz its Statistics and probability stuffs
statistics is easy to learn...probability need more focus...
the good news is that web design wont have a final exam...
just coursework and practical..ok even ~

english haven experience yet...tomorrow will ~
today suppose to have maths lecture and tutorial..
but I slept late..and in the end lazy to go for tutorial..lol ~
arghhh whatever >.< beginning should be easy to learn rite?
see status from groupmate also know.. Lol >.< ~

looks like this sem 3 gonna be busy..
a non-stop 7 week of works ~
assignments, test and others  ~
as it is a short sem and everything gets doubled up ~

"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan


07 February 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

its back! [Sunday 03 February 2013]

04 February 2013


yesterday slept around 8am Lol !!
well I couldn't sleep at all ~ very energetic..and awake! Lol
so stayed awake ~ and finally slept ~
and woke back up around 11-12pm ~
just a mere couple hours ~
got back up ~ and hoong's waiting jor ~ Lol!!
gonna go Low Yat to collect my S3 ~

finally after like 20 minutes done ~ haha
sorry for waiting bro! >.<
went to see pv15 units ~ not bad..not bad at all ~
and brunch ~
and traffic congestion to low yat ~ opsss
finally reached low yat around 3pm ~
went to Samsung Service Center ~ waited
finally..collected my S3 ^_^

happy :D
walk walk around it then ~
bought the converter for the home's laptop ~ its old..but at least its still normal ~
then went off ~ dinner time ~
continued drove around looking for house to let ~
still..I prefer pv15 >p<
went back home ~

tomorrow(Monday) starts semester 3.....
and Tuesday get exam results...uhhhh
sure suck :(

"Know how to live the time that is given you" - Dario Fo


04 February 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hot [Friday 01 February 2013]

02 February 2013


funny thing ~
at Ipoh, when I wake up (by alarm), its around 11am ~
then I close my eyes and continue sleep...
its goes on very fast and next thing I know..its around 1-3pm lol ~
but here...
same thing..except time kinda 'pass' so slow here lol ~
I wake I sleep, its 11am, then 11.10am..then 11.20am and so on..
lol ~ so opposite haha

anyway ~ after woke up ~ prepped ~ normal stuffs ~
fuyoh today roommate bring his gf (I think so) since morning to evening lol ~
normally since afternoon, perhaps because today is holiday ~
duhhh makes me feel I'm dry hahahha xD
they...they....so nice...

and weather kinda hot today >p<
reorganized my closet and table...much nicer and neater now..
spent hours...required thinking and sweat lol ~ >.<
anyway its done ~ satisfied with me :)

didn't had lunch today ~ or brunch ~ Lol
just had cereals ~
and str8 dinner ~
at pv7 ~ haha looks like workers there dont recognize me liao ~
haha nothing also ~

was kinda boring too today...no ppl to chat >.<
and I found out something...congratulations :)
wish you all the luck in the world bro :D
thinking what should I do tomorrow(Saturday)? >p<
swimming? Lol jogging?

again..I felt myself dry Lol :p

"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life." - Leo Buscaglia


02 February 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

backed ~ [Thursday 31 January 2013]

01 February 2013


lol at around 10.30 ~ haha
prepped up, yesterday midnight packed so much stuffs ~
like going to move house haha ~
anyway ~ today continued final pack ~
then went to CIMB bank ~
to open accounts ~ for future use...
the future is coming...

after brunch ~ around 3.30-4pm took off ~
str8 to highway and to the destination ~
mum got what what session with Hoong at 1 of Joey Yap's place ~
only few number of ppl showed up ~ and no lights haha ~
the session got rescheduled ~ lol
anyway ~ had dinner at what what restaurant ~

learnt of news >p<
about dad, about Hoong (further info)
well..this is the future my friend...
and get some options of future plans ~
time to live up to the real world...gotta strive to live..
went to KL sentral for a while ~

then finally back to PV5 ~ after 3 weeks ++
almost 1 month le still haha ~
unpacked so much stuffs >.<
got a headache ~ ouch!!
gosh...I been thinking a lot againnnnnn ~

"The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi


01 February 2013