Thursday, February 7, 2013

late [Wednesday 06 February 2013]

07 February 2013


been waking up late ~ Lol duhhh
Monday is the 1st day of sem 3 ~
woke up late lol and missed the 1st class of english..ops nvm ~ >.<
not bad too that day...
then at night 'slept early' ops ~
but a very bad sleep...I mean not a good sleep >p<
woke up few times...that what what condition again ~ duhhhh
morning woke up ~
prepped ~
went to 1st class of Web Design ~
nice ~ I think its easier than C..but its just the beginning now..
dunno will difficult later or not...
same goes with the maths...coz its Statistics and probability stuffs
statistics is easy to learn...probability need more focus...
the good news is that web design wont have a final exam...
just coursework and practical..ok even ~

english haven experience yet...tomorrow will ~
today suppose to have maths lecture and tutorial..
but I slept late..and in the end lazy to go for ~
arghhh whatever >.< beginning should be easy to learn rite?
see status from groupmate also know.. Lol >.< ~

looks like this sem 3 gonna be busy..
a non-stop 7 week of works ~
assignments, test and others  ~
as it is a short sem and everything gets doubled up ~

"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan


07 February 2013

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