Thursday, September 12, 2013

unknown #99.9 [12 September 2013]

12 September 2013
2:07am    0227


alright, been  1 week plus since my last entry ~
actually wanted to update, but due to "obstacle" and I can't ~

lately seen Riddick ~ a good movie, its a follow-up the the Riddick franchise ~
seen it at least 3 times in theaters Lol ~ might see it again ~ who knows haha

been living a inactive lifestyle lately lol ~
not exercising my body, even not getting out of this house ~ 
or just unhealthy-ly eat McDonalds few times in few days ~ 
but, planning to change all that ~ gonna sweat my body and pump it up again ~ 
like it use to be lol ~ (I've been talking about this for a long time)

priority first, 
forge a new glass for my eye, 
meet a dentist to fix my teeth,
meet a doctor soon to fix my palsy right hand..
but soon will also need to renew my shoes lol ~
that's it for now, anyway lets not rush, achieve it one by one ~

also lately got induced 'horror' by mom's car, lol 
battery almost die out I suppose,
engine dying out suddenly during on the road lol
scenario: when engine suddenly dies out, steering becomes rock-heavy, other car behind you, can't turn left or right lol, only straight but there's a house infront, only to break and turn on the emergency lights ~
and people are curiously looking lol ~

congratulations to my brother Kian for finally graduating and achieving his Diploma status ~
been a journey but you made it! :) 
my results (main campus) out on 24 september ~ after I started my class, as usual ~

also why the L size of FIT addict and AsiansAtWork shirts by Jinnyboy is larger than the L size of Abuden?!
:( looks a bit stupid on me...'so big'

ps: dislike the habit of my father for "fast-forward" the time, its only 2:16am on my clock, yet he states almost 3am lol ~ dude, 45 minutes is a huge difference when it come to the thing I'm doing or exam haha

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby

2:21am  0221

12 September 2013

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