Monday, September 2, 2013

blablablab [02 September 2013]

02 September 2013
2:20am 0220


ok nothing to state, ~ byebye

lol actually not...
actually maybe quite a bit..
read my own last post,
so continue from what I remembers 0.0

so after CSA was Database exam,
Database exam actually was easier than
then Business...urhhh still remember that day memorize all Business theories ~
for like 10++ hours lol (total-up)
then the final sub was OOP Java ~ still OK
have confidence to pass them all...

I just hope I at least obtain a pass..
that's all I request..I request no more than that lol
but of course if I obtain more than that, I will like "why didn't do this? why that? could have high marks"
but whatever ~~

arhhh after Exam, sure relaxing
nowadays nothing to do ~
just sleeping and downloading songs ~ phasing out my old 128 bit rate with 320 bit rate ~ lol
of coz the size is bigger but I'll take it ~

thinking to going back Ipoh since few days ago ~
and my eagerness pumped up when I find back the old song "Ipoh Mali" by Point Blanc ~
after hearing that song, kinda think back my old times ~
especially those scenes in the video that contain my neighborhood ~
around that field ~ the area that I used to walk with my dog (Billy)

actually come to thought of it, almost all Ipoh Kaki knew the term "Ipoh Mali"
because of Point Blanc ~ hopes this 'legend' continues haha
its a good thing ~

after back Ipoh, will sure see dentist ~
get my tooth fixed ASAP >.<
and blabla

"You know what your problem is, it's that you haven't seen enough movies - all of life's riddles are answered in the movies." - Steve Martin

02:35am    0235

02 September 2013

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