Sunday, August 23, 2015

oh shit I'm sorry.. sorry for what [Sunday 23 August 2015]

23 August 2015

12:41am        1241


oh shit, I'm beginning to feel my eyesight is getting worse.. again lol
as the world seems to be blur and blur-er 
oh shit 

so its getting near to September again, also the last week of August
its 2015, August/September 2015

question mark question mark
so its been 1 month+ since the HotS thingy 
still waiting for my prize reward share
apparently leader said there was some issue with the Blizzard guys
so it is delayed, now I dunno when it will be available lol

maybe I should ask nate (gaming friend of Kinny)
as I started to doubt K guy, whether it is true 
I'm sorry, sorry for what

been infected with loads of gachimuchi lately lol 
actually I listen/view those vids 
oh my what have I become
especially Yumi Matsutoya - Haru Yo Koi, loads of troll version
the vid "oh shit Im sorry"

probably will be just a while
wont last long for sure
what else to write? no idea
rite, went to Festival with hoong
pendrive is so cheap nowadays....
especially the 16gb/32gb
compared to the price I bought it for couple years ago 
haha, well storage will become cheap and more cheap in the future....
but HDD not yet.. couple years ago I bought 1tb for 270+
now 1tb 250+ 
at least its 20+ cheaper right?
well, when you're spending that much money, you probably wont even care/mind

2nd bro bought a new myvi btw, cool ride
oh yea, there's a tourney tomolo, 
Cronus Cup thingy, 11am start
guess I gotta wake at 9:30am
shower and prep by 10:30am
Fb and stuffs by 11am

coincidence does not happen often but it does happen...just rare
also lately been gettings some feels
dem feels............. oh damn
there are something I would do, there are somethings I would not do lol
there is root cause for everything you deem as trouble (everything happens for a reason)

also, today someone threw the trash, 
in all my lifetime here (PV15), I think that's probably the first time not me (nor my bros) that someone else dumps the trash, now that's something

23 August 2015

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