Monday, November 30, 2015

Brace Yourself, December Is Coming *2015 [30 November 2015]

30 November 2015

6:10pm              1810


well, erm what?
lemme think

nothing much special or anything

just the usual attend class and exploring outside alone stuffs

I remember
A.Toast.My thingy?

pop eatery?
nutty coco?

Kaffe Cafe looks good too
but bit far... need early start journey...

played StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void
just for the story mode
a bit disappointing with the ending,
but after a while.. understandable
hope the Nova mission pack gonna be awesome

gonna play it anyway lol

no idea what to write
can't think of anything
my mind very empty

6:24pm     1824

30 November 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

erm... what? [06 October 2015]

06 October 2015

8:24pm       2024


ok, so what has happened?
a lot

suddenly I cant recall a lot of stuffs
probably due to me being very sleepy, or tipsy kinda stuff
lack of sleep

so, yea
I'm attending classes,
gotta say man, 6 elevators, 2 down
it gets so crowded and jam packed
full of ppl

today I played StarCraft II,
whats the big deal? well
since I bought it, I only played against AI (years?)
and today, I bested a team of platinum player (2v2)
erm.... what? what??

today only found out that The Mood Weather Report has been shut down..
maybe for long adi.. I just didn't realize it..
well, haven't been opening it for a long time
but good thing the maker left a gift (all emotes)
thanks for the gift,
live long and prosper

paused at 8:41pm

also today I first time see bad parenting for real
also maybe I'm on to something..
maybe not... oh what the hell

been playing a lot Diablo III lately, rifts and stuffs
no idea what else to write

9:30pm       2130

06 October 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

oh shit I'm sorry.. sorry for what [Sunday 23 August 2015]

23 August 2015

12:41am        1241


oh shit, I'm beginning to feel my eyesight is getting worse.. again lol
as the world seems to be blur and blur-er 
oh shit 

so its getting near to September again, also the last week of August
its 2015, August/September 2015

question mark question mark
so its been 1 month+ since the HotS thingy 
still waiting for my prize reward share
apparently leader said there was some issue with the Blizzard guys
so it is delayed, now I dunno when it will be available lol

maybe I should ask nate (gaming friend of Kinny)
as I started to doubt K guy, whether it is true 
I'm sorry, sorry for what

been infected with loads of gachimuchi lately lol 
actually I listen/view those vids 
oh my what have I become
especially Yumi Matsutoya - Haru Yo Koi, loads of troll version
the vid "oh shit Im sorry"

probably will be just a while
wont last long for sure
what else to write? no idea
rite, went to Festival with hoong
pendrive is so cheap nowadays....
especially the 16gb/32gb
compared to the price I bought it for couple years ago 
haha, well storage will become cheap and more cheap in the future....
but HDD not yet.. couple years ago I bought 1tb for 270+
now 1tb 250+ 
at least its 20+ cheaper right?
well, when you're spending that much money, you probably wont even care/mind

2nd bro bought a new myvi btw, cool ride
oh yea, there's a tourney tomolo, 
Cronus Cup thingy, 11am start
guess I gotta wake at 9:30am
shower and prep by 10:30am
Fb and stuffs by 11am

coincidence does not happen often but it does happen...just rare
also lately been gettings some feels
dem feels............. oh damn
there are something I would do, there are somethings I would not do lol
there is root cause for everything you deem as trouble (everything happens for a reason)

also, today someone threw the trash, 
in all my lifetime here (PV15), I think that's probably the first time not me (nor my bros) that someone else dumps the trash, now that's something

23 August 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

Heroes of the Storm? [Monday 27 July 2015]

27 July 2015

1:37am        0137


last month
participated in Heroes of the Storm Malaysia Qualifier
the one I'm in is the 4th Qualifier (there's 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
and I got 1st place (Champion RM 2.2k)

seems like alot, but no (divide 5; 5 person team)
after that, been training ever since ~

participated in MSI MGA HotS
lost in 1st bracket lol ~
got beaten by Thailand veteran (team Pandora Box)
they clocked 2k - 2.5k games
(I only clocked 800 games; at that time)

my team name is "Gaming Team Cronus" (GTC)
founded by Kinny (captain)
team consists of Kinny, thuanho (nick), Win3 (winson), Nemesis (ah nam), Sam
after that, kinny brought his former LoL (League of Legends) teammate, Krone (taro)

and we trained trained trained,
finally the finals came ~
gotten 4th place ~

1st (18k), 2nd (9k), 3rd (5.5k), 4th (3.5k)
Champion also representing Malaysia to compete the regional qualifier grand finals at Thailand (August)

now I'm slowing down ~
Kinny brought another friend of his, Jason
and I've been transferred to a substitute (which is totally fine to me)
Nemesis has exit the team, Krone has been brought on to the main roster
so now the main roster consists of Kinny, Jason, Krone, Sam, Win3
and a substitute, thuanho

anyway, not gonna remain play competitively ~
decided to repeat my DMS at September semester ~
also gonna resit my Pre-Calculus at August examination ~
gonna continue to watch gameplays and stuff of HotS and Dota 2
The International 5 is approaching!
couple more days ~

also, few more days,
then its my birthday~
got 2 free tickets for TGV and MBO cinemas for my birthday month
still wondering who to watch with or just wait it expires ~

good luck to me anyway ~

27 July 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

nothing again [Wednesday 10 June 2015]

10 June 2015

2:22am       0222


so lately, dunno why have this weird feeling, like a sad feeling
did nothing progressive... just helping my bro in his line of work
doing nothing at all, as usual feeling like a failure of a fail group

no story to tell, I do the same thing everyday
eat sleep rave repeat
+ play hearthstone/hots

kinda preventing myself from knowing peoples, to make friends
as sometimes I see friends of friends died in road accident..
all those sadness and RIP, that feeling sure sucks
I don't wanna get that feeling

probably gonna catch a couple movies soon
Jurassic World, Insidious etc.

been reading some novels of StarCraft lately
StarCraft: Uprising, StarCraft: Liberty's Crusade etc.
nice stories, exploring their origins, some adaption and stuffs, very nice

don think I wanna make new friend(s), as I got no "face" to meet them, a Diploma failure
every now and then some random guy do talk to me, for business purpose or just whatever things
but so far I only talk to them once... once is enough (the reason above)

and all my friends is all either in Degree adi
even the ones that started Diploma later than me
kinda don't have "face" to face them

honestly.. think the time that I will ever proceed to degree is next year (2016)
which is another year... I kinda wasted a year of my life already...
well not really a year, I would say I utilized last year to recover from the brain surgery I had (Jan 2014)
so I only begin "hae"-ing beginning this year.. but well I know what I've done...
all those time wasted, people might say why not just get a job,
well I tried.. but I got no experience, the disadvantage is on me (I might have said this before)
and nobody wants that, and supply is many (lots of other ppl want it too- when I try to apply for a part-time)
I'm a fresh newbie.. and those companies? I don't even own a Diploma cert, my only qualification is SPM
no money no life, severe level
no experience no money no life, even more severe level

but in the end, glad my parents is fine with me..
and still supports me (unless my current life is a lie.. and that would sucks 99)

I got nothing

anyway love this mix a lot, check it out

10 June 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

nothing [Wednesday 08 May 2015]

08 May 2015

11:53pm            2353


as usual, it's been a long time
what to write what to write

parents went to a trip
to China, dunno what place for 10 days
visit ancestor place
and I gotta stay Ipoh houz home alone for a while
till they are back
gonna be bored
probably gonna watch a ton of movies to kill time

old tenants moved out
new tenants moved in
oh well, people come and go
also a new academic year
lots of freshies

went to exam on April, to resit my remaining 3 subs
haih, no confidence this time...................
now left 2 slots left to exam before my session is terminated...
I'm afraid of that.....
but I will try to settle my Diploma before my mother gets into retirement
many friends almost finish their Degree
some younger than me also almost finish their Degree
I feel like the failure of a group failure

I really don't know what can I do if my session is terminated...
I'm all in on my Diploma and future of it

on entertainment,
playing a lot of Hearthstone + Heroes of the Storm lately
and also been watching Avengers 2 many times in theaters
feel Avengers 1 is better in story mode
but Avengers 2 is better in action mode
macam A1 is like a campaign mode and A2 is a play mode (skirmish)

anyway, anyhow
nothing nothing nothing

07 May 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

what does the future holds? [Saturday 21 March 2015]

21 March 2015

10:56pm          2256


wow, its been so long since my last entry...
lemme try to remember,
ah yes
so in January
been to exam to resit
passed 1 of 2
good enough
better than 0

CNY during February
collected ang pao, thanks
boring cause no hangout lol
a few events where ppl actually ask me to attend some stuff and shits
but still boring, cuz I dont fit in same channel with them
I'm living a nl
no life, never lucky

been tuning in to a lot lately
Forsen, Kripp, Amaz
and a few guys
lol actually I'm worried that I might get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to my line of work
oh damn...
well, I won't be surprised if I got diagnosed with another disease in the not-too-far-future
heck I might even suddenly took off


soon gonna exam again, 3 papers
gotta focus 2 of it coz that 2 is not offered for exam later this year
anyhow gonna hope that I got 3
hope to return to class at May..
if that doesn't work will try for October but worry that it might not get offered or canceled at last minute... (they did this last year)
well I hope for the best
but still... nl nl
having a little phobia for my Cavernous Angioma reoccurence.. after seeing some posts and shits
that would suck...

21 March 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 [Saturday 03 January 2015]

03 January 2015

7:52pm         1952


so its new year, 2015 ~
hah! didn't make mistake of writing 2014 *evil smile*
we're going into the future!
hope 2015 turns to be better of course ~
mannn 2014 so un-productive!

thanks to those that helped me went through 2014 ~
even though its a 'little detail', it still helped me
I admit I have ignored a lot of people in 2014
times like these I'm just not in the mood to talk to people
or in 'just leave me alone' mode
sorry for that peeps ~ yea its cruel for ignoring.. macam 'fan min'
but of course no la.. sorry again

so, entertainment?
I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies (2014)
its kinda an action movie, somehow it doesn't suit my taste 0.0
I prefer the 1st and 2nd Lol
reverse from other people
*returned at 8:33pm   2033*
maybe I'll watch Seventh Son soon ~
some ppl say not nice but some say nice o.o

somethings are not meant for you..
its not like you must know everything in the world/everything about me
I have my own secrets/stories, everybody have their own secrets/stories

also, hope I'll be able to returned to class this year (TARUC)
hope... hope.............

oh well ~

03 January 2015