Saturday, December 29, 2012

last TGIF of 2012 [Friday 28 December 2012]

29 December 2012


well..last night didn't sleep at all ~ just memorize the Tamadun until dawn ~
around 6am have a bath ~ 7pm Yung wakes ~ prepped up ~ head to College :)
final revision at Canteen 2, then proceeded to S.C and there it goes!
AEMS 1512 Tamadun Islam dan Asia
the MCQ..some know some dont know how to do >.<
the essay worst...but I did wrote a lot of relevant stuffs..hope can get some marks for it..
hope I can pass this subject >o<

after finished ~ ride bus back to Pv5 ~ around 1pm
had lunch at the rice stall ~ bought Tropical Punch fruit juice from the mart ~
weather so hot!! lol ~ house chores ~
internet...movies...until around like 5pm..
my eyes are like very 'dry' but I'm not tired..and not sleepy..
anyhow I tried to sleep..just laid on the bed and magic ~ Lol
slept until around Yung calls and asked whether want rice pack or not ~
at first I saw the clock 8, I thought it was morning
all of a sudden I was so rushed to get up...then only realized..haha
then continued internet..blablabla ~ shower ~

then revise Programming notes and slides ~
AACS 1084 Programming Concepts and Designs II
at first thought not going to be a sleepless night again...but then not sleepy at all and not tired..
and HUNGRY!! lol I didn't had my dinner..see dou those food's pictures on
but then..feels like...whatever la lol ~ later gonna go sleep couple of hours ~
can see quite a number of ppl spending overnight to revise...

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill


29 December 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

2nd Sem F.E begins.. [Thursday 27 December 2012]

28 December 2012


today woke up around 7:35am..the time Yung just went out to work ~
prepped up ~ morning routines ~ Lol except time ~
then went to wait bus ~ luckily I arrived 'early' after me so long queue 0.0
many ppl straight walk to college too ~
reached..went S.C [Sports Complex]..hard time to find them =.= to retrieve my exam slip..
so the end did bumped up to them ~ grabbed my slip ~
1st paper!!!!! of the 2nd semester final exam!!!!
AHEL 2043 English for Communication ~
overall..I think my performance on it is lower than ok =.=
section A ok, section B not ok, section C...between ok and not ok =.=

after finish ~ went breakfast at TBR 2 with Jacky ~ fish chop rice :)
then went up to the pool them played pool..
started to feel sleepy..but luckily..the tv caught my eye..the movie 'The Quick and the Dead'
keeps me awake..haha ~ until I not willing to leave :p
check out Orange cc for a while ~
then went back college bus stop and ride bus home ~
around hot!! :(
backed home..just internet and play-forward
around 4pm then had 2 packs of Mi Sedap :)
then again internet for a while..
then only start studying Tamadun...
memorize memorize memorize...sorry but those India names did made me
then around 7.30pm.. I fell asleep -.-
until like 10pm...Yung just back and ate his rice pack ~
then I just like...whatever lol and keep on 'lie' on bed..until like 10.30pm only then go shower...

write diary..other stuffs ~ then continue
also did challenge myself..
and I planned not to sleep haha ~
so far...studied Tamadun in process of China..later Bab 6 ~
just now around 4am..cooked 2 packs of Cintan Mi...BUT..unfortunately...
I dropped them on the floor =.= essshhhh had to clean up the mess...wipe wipe wipe
then cook again lol ~ ate ~ little Star
gonna continue memorize..hope can do well in the paper later..
MCQ is quite ok..but essay...well.. lol

"My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can." - Cary Grant


28 December 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Final Exam eve [Wednesday 26 December 2012]

27 December 2012


erhem...this morning woke around 11am ~
yesterday midnight was so stress and so much tension /.\
insomnia as well...lie on bed 1 hour jor only sleep lol
I had dreams but I cant remember it..
I only remember..that I drooled -.-
very ironic isn't it?
how I wish I could have that same sweet wonderful dream everytime I sleep :')
anyway ~ morning routines ~ internet ~ koko krunch ~

said 12pm gonna go Tarc canteen 2 meet up de..for group study, with Jacky and Weng Loon ~
but I was delayed due to my parcel from Pos Laju gonna arrive soon ~
finally received my parcel!!! =) biggest parcel I ever received..for now
walked to Tarc from Pv5...long time didn't do that liao ~
sweat pores got clogged de also get unclog..pain >.<
good for me maaa ~
reached canteen 2 ~ so hot!!!! cool down at below the fan :)
wait wait wait..searching Samsung service center as well..
turns out the only Samsung Service Center is at Low Yat =.=
how am I even gonna go there...Yung says can take bus..but how I understand =.=
guess maybe gonna wait Hoong fetch me again >p< ops

after they arrived ~ had a little conversations ~
then proceeded to Study Room upstairs...and 'Study'...
lol ~ cant even concentrate..Weng Loon keep use my Netbook and Fb..then finish battery and continue use his Hp ~ Jacky..forgot what he did lol
I managed to memorize a bit of the Tamadun..haha XD better than nothing..
after dont know how long..finally dismiss ~
ride bus back home ~

bought groceries ~ restock!!
just internet and blablabla ~
night..Yung called and offer to buy rice pack..but need charge weird call isn't it? 0.0
anyway I agreed ~ he backed ~ I ate ~
and he kinda surprise to my new gadget (secret :p)
night routines ~ nothing else ~

final exam starting tomorrow...starts with English for Communication...9am
exam until January 7th, 2013..

can we control ourself to do not think too much?

"Lost time is never found again." - Benjamin Franklin.


27 December 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas? [Tuesday 25 December 2012]

26 December 2012


this morning~~ no not afternoon lol
woke up around 1pm >p<
'morning' routine ~ koko krunchhhhhhh
then watch this movie 'Cloud Atlas' (2012) haha re-watch..might get clearer understanding ~
at the same time..did the laundry ~ washed my clothes and the belts lol
1st time throw the belts into a washing machine..both of my belts ~
around 3pm ~ still watching ~
and cooked 2 packs of Cintan Mi vege flavor add an
almost everyday like this....die faster lorrr XD
no larrr...starting tomorrow won't tomorrow going to group study at Tarc ~
maybe study room or canteen 2 ~ hope gonna attend this time..haha
after finished the movie..just internet.. ~

around 6.30pm went dinner with Yung at Sri Rampai ~
and back ~ blablabla..
at night didn't do anything special ~
but Yung did told me this S3 issue...
turns out I'm not
got this 'sudden death' syndrome happening to many S3 users...looks like Imma victim ~ >.<
the what what NAND memory chip of the phone..means the phone corrupted or failed ~
hopes warranty gonna replace it for me :)

did a 'serious' test today..
well today..morning she was awake but I was asleep ~
then at evening/night ~ I purposely didn't find her in hope of maybe she will find me..
but turns out..she didn't.. :'(
frankly..quite sorrow
haizzz....lots of possibilities...lots...

I saw this ticket-photo Kian posted on fb..gonna go Phuket from January 15-20..
maybe gotta go back with mum on 9/10 January..
also need to renew my passport..

and suddenly I'm in tension...again...just keep hurting myself...
no idea if I'm gonna do normal/well in the exam :(
i'm sorry...

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley


26 December 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas eve [Monday 24 December 2012]

25 December 2012



this morning..woke around 12pm..too lazy and sleepy mode to wake ~
morning routine ~ had milo cereal mix with koko krunch ~ nice
thought of going Tarc library to revise with Weng Loon <-- one of my groupmate
planned to go around 2pm..but end up didn't ~ suddenly I don't have the feel to go ~
surf internet, watch movie ~ until around 4pm eat
cook and ate 2 packs of Cintan Mi (1 curry 1 vege but I combine the noodle and only use the curry seasoning) and add an egg :) always yummy :p
continue those stuffs ~ final exam only couple days away >.< ~ isshhh
around 6.30pm took Yung's badminton bag to downstairs to hand it to him ~
also he gave me a econ rice pack :) nice
but the taste..not really that good..I still prefer Sri Rampai's..always best :p

oh yea ~ this morning when I just woke up, I heard noises I assume is Mr.Hoo (house owner) ~
then when I use the other toilet, the shower device got changed to a new nice >.<
why not also changed mine ~ haha ~

night ~ same thing, internet and movies, shower ~ Lol
coming to Christmas eve ~ still remember exactly what took place last year..

as I remember,
so last year..around 9pm..I walked out from my home to a place nearby..a place called 'Balitz' ~
planned with Ivan and Kelvin and few others to celebrate ~
it's the 1st time I drink alcohol..haha..drink little until 12am..then Merry Christmas to everybody ~
then I increase the rate of my alcohol consumption ~ drink drink until I kinda drunk liao ~ lol
vomit 1 time a the toilet ~ then around 2am start to go back, vomit again at the drain outside ~ hahha
Kelvin's uncle fetch me home, then back home, I vomit again at the toilet bowl ~ Lol
then I just straight change to my pajamas and slept ~ haha ~ next day woke up is normal ~

this year Christmas eve stayed at home only ~ haha
didn't even tell Merry Christmas to anyone (in real life)~ Lol
first guy to text me a Merry Christmas was Terrance Lau (a friend from Gym) ~
kinda bit see the phrase 'Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas' lol
as it's my name -.- lol I don't know..just that weird

got this christmas coding, and I modified it :)

kinda watching the movie 'Cloud Atlas' (2012) ~
kinda complex/sophisticated..won't understand it well for the 1st
don't want drag too late >.< tomorrow re-watch :)
but..few scenes of it made me...welll

"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr


25 December 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

eeeeee [Sunday 23 December 2012]

24 December 2012


this morning I was quite I also didn't know if I did woke up earlier..Lol
coz I had a nightmare =.=
know that The Lizard from the movie 'The Amazing Spider-Man' (2012) ??
I dreamt my housemates brought lots of his friends, and that The Lizard came to my Pv5 house and start slaughtering my housemates and his friends >.<
I was in my room, I heard it then I fast fast go into the toilet and luckily the toilet door of room next door was not I go in..and The Lizard went into my room..I just sprint to the wooden main door and open the sliding steel door..damn that time I can literally feel my heart beat..its so fast and hard..can feel it beating/thumbing my chest..and my breath is same as those when you got chase by a killer/monster/ ~ and I opened up the door..I sprint to the stairs and kept on run and jump down.. and then I woke up..Lol and it was around 12pm.
horrify dream =.= live and death

and so I fired up the Pc..switch on the lights ~ internet ~ then shower ~
then had milo cereal as usual :)
internet internet internet....
and I planned on watching The Dark Knight Trilogy today haha ~
so I begin by watching 'Batman Begins' (2005) ~ the 1st installment of the trilogy :)
around 2pm yung came back ~ around 3pm use the netbook and continue :)
after finished, went out to refill my water (two 6 liter) and check the mailbox for my cork as a replacement for 1 of my Marimo bottle's cork as it broke up last last week ~ mailed it for me for free :) three 0.20 stamps
geee thanks!
then cook and ate 2 pack of Mi Sedap chicken soup flavor add an egg..this is the 1st time I cook reversely..
start by boiling the water..then the seasoning and other stuffs..then the egg..finally only the noodle..
lol I learnt this from yesterday when I watched an add on a recipe for Maggi Mi ~ haha
then continue watching the next installment of the trilogy, 'The Dark Knight' (2008) ~ as I enjoy the noodle :)

until evening...ate a pack a Mamee, surf internet a while ~
continued the final installment of the trilogy, 'The Dark Knight Rises' (2012) ~ watched a part ~
then pause and went out with Yung for dinner :)
dinner at genting klang ~ stink bean fried rice :) yung ate the claypot rice but he keeps complain haha as its too wet..I see it too ~ poor quality
drank soya bean ~ yung changed his car's remote control battery ~
went back ~ continue watching ~ and pause
then shower..but this time.. I purposely dont want to wash my
as it looks 'clean'
continue watching and finished :)
and bad choice I didn't wash my now it looks so oily and 'lumpy' -.- lol
opssss 'dirty' me Lol ~

then enjoy some Star Wars musics again..
internet internet internet internet internet internet.. <-- no copy-paste!!
lol ~ and play-forward 'Dredd' (2012) again :p
kinda love it..for now lol..

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius


24 December 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

erm..not-ing [Saturday 22 December 2012]

23 December 2012


today was a nothin to do day!! :p
today woke up...then grab my phone and's only I 'forced' myself slept back ~ Lol
woke back up around 11.30am ~ open lights, fire up the Pc ~ check fb etc
shower ~ had milo cereals ~ click Fb games ~ ._.
didn't study again today..haha my friend also didn't XP
still dont have the study mood and the 'kick'
facebook facebook facebook facebook facebook facebook chat..
around 4pm only 'lunch' ~ watched "Dredd" again re-watch again ~ nice ma haha
cook and ate 2 packs of Cintan curry flavor add an egg :)
always tasty and yummy :)

evening, downloaded lots of movie soundtracks..many many many
and need rename them, organize them, and change their media data information ~
The Dark Knight, National Treausre, Jumper, Star Wars, 28 Weeks Later ~
hoshhh...many..maybe did more before..or more in the future haha ~
do until around ~
that time again cook and ate 2 packs of dry noodle (1 Ibumie, 1 Maggi Chili Lazat) of coz...YUMMY!!
then..shower...non-stop STAR WARS!!! DUEL OF THE FATES!!
then around 11.40pm..
bro back ~ looks like he's 'SO ****ING TIRED' ~ haha
and I went outside the trademark place ~
good stuffs :p
until around 01:20am ~ the web..type this post...

"It's not who I am underneath..but what I do that defines me" - a quote from Batman Begins, spoken by the character Rachel and later Batman


23 December 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

"end of the world" [Friday 21 December 2012]

22 December 2012


today is the day..many called it "end of the world"
the end of the Mayan long count calendar..the end of 13th b'ak'tun..
quite complex/sophisticated...should check out in Wikipedia if wanna know more..

also today I found out something
Michel de Nostradame aka Nostrodamus once said this in the year 1555

"From the Calm Morning, The End Will Come,
When of the Dancing Horse, The Number of Circles will be nine."

From the Calm Morning, 
(Korea is the land of morning calm, PSY is from Korea)
The End Will Come, 
(something is gonna happen, coincidentally Mayan's long count calendar ends, 21 December 2012)
When of the Dancing Horse, 
(the invisible horse dance from PSY's Gangnam Style)
The Number of Circles will be nine. 
(today Gangnam Style hit 1 billion views mark on YouTube, 1,000,000,000 <-- 9 circles)

interesting eh? got it from a video from YouTube ~

anyway back to my life :)
today woke up around 11am, alarm woke me around 10:15am but I just turn it off and slept back ~
hehe ~ open light, fire up the Pc ~ Lol
showered, ate milo cereal, yum yum ~
today not much things happened...
afternoon didn't do much..didn't study today >.<
cook and ate 2 packs of Cintan noodle Vege flavor add an egg :) yummy yummy 
then just keep on internet....and ate Mamee and biscuits ~
and watched the timer countdown on the end of the Mayan calendar..a link that Chek gave me yesterday

evening..watched the movie 'Dredd'..nice movie..put it into my Movies 2 :p
I hate 2 folder for my movies...1 named "Movies 1" and the other "Movies 2"
Movies 1 is just for normal movies while Movies 2 is for movies that good, nice and I would watch again
just yesterday finally finish my up around 500 movies I have now :)
watched Dredd ~
cook and ate 2 packs of Ibumie dry noodle ~ yum yum again haha

and ate 1 pack of Mamee Lol ~ like very hungryyyy
and have a play-forward of the 1995 movie 'Judge Dredd' haha
'Dredd' is nicer :p
shower ~ write diary ~ and mom jio me for lunch at 25 dec <-- Christmas
but Yung is not transport for me..only way..ride LRT...gonna take like around 20-30 min if I not forgotten...does it worth it? Lol >p<
finished then internet and type this :p

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you" - Thomas Jefferson


22 December 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

end of the world eve [Thursday 20 December 2012]

21 December 2012


this morning..again woke up around dunno between 6-8am lol ~ as yung woke up, I woke up as well
of course..I slept back ~ woke back up at around 11am..
fire up the Pc but today I open the light 1st XD
shower, fb and others, ate honey stars mix with milo cereals ~ not bad
didn't study anything know kick and no feel to do it ~

just continue Pc-ing non-stop...didn't ate any lunch..just 1 pack of Mamee
Hoong at 5pm jio me for feast..and I thought was soon around 6pm..
but he never text me and so I assume he maybe whatsapp and viber me..

evening swept the floor :)
suddenly my adrenaline kicks in...I did few rough stuffs again..
like stretching my legs..punching the wardrobe and table..doing push ups and others..
again I wrote an article..this is the 3rd time :p
finally Hoong fb me ~
and so after maybe 5-10 minutes I only go down..and he just arrived..
met my sister-in-law after couple months..I think since September
they're like surprised coz I just came down hahaha
anyway ~ sister so nosy Xp
non-stop ask me about my girlfriend hahaha
ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask...even during dinner time also ask ask ask lol hahahaha
but I nothing de :)
dinner at the usual place..didn't go pasar malam ~
came to my place, sis went to her relatives at pv 3
and Hoong slept..for like 5-10 minutes lol

continue fb again ~ use netbook (arhhh so slow)
no choice lar..old tech
showered ~
ohhhh end of the world lor!! haha..but..we're still
almost finish my movie collection le..around 450+ movies now..
ops..haven finish write diary..later after finish this post gonna continue again ~

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin


21 December 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

weird..? [Wednesday 19 December 2012]

20 December 2012


today..woke up around 8am by brother ~
then..oddly..I feel so energetic and ~ weird !! anyway I just lie back down and close my eyes..force myself to sleep..and I slept ~
woke back up around 10:15am.. before my alarm rings ~ then couple minutes later my alarm rings ~ haha
up I go, 1st up the Pc -.- lol ~ then only open the light
my room got no natural bright lights from the Sunlight but very have to open light..
went shower, came out, fb and others..ate honey stars
trying to memorize Tamadun stuffs..especially Tamadun India..but all those weird names =.=
around 12pm...Ganes came back..and asked me what is the router password..erm..I don't remember leh -.- lol didn't you record it down? as you everytime fix de once got minor problems with it ~
Lol tried to open the router address with the Pc..but so slow hahahaha dont know why ~
at the end he just went away and close the modem and open it back ~
approximately around 1pm, I suddenly felt so sleepy..and so cold >.<
at afternoon leh wei !! hot sun..should be hot..but I'm cold :( had to slow down the fan's speed until 1
still not I just went and lie on the bed..even cover myself with the
and eventually..I slept..until like around 3pm..then things went back to normal..
around 4pm cook noodles ~ 2 packs of Cintan Curry flavor and add an egg :)
so good :p (course it's cookings Xp)
same fb etc..trying to memorize the Tamadun India -.-
iisshhh ~

talked with my Form 3 geografi teacher..Cikgu
omg, why he so pervert-ly talk with me de...Lol
anyway, continue until evening...not much happenings ~
at night..already planned not to have dinner...only ate 1 pack of Mamee and 1 pack of biscuits..
like consecutively 3 days also got cook noodles eat..a bit afraid de leh me lol >p<
then bro came back, I use netbook ~ then showered, wrote diary..
use back the Pc until now and counting on :p

can I not go to the Thailand trip? already been there just recently..this April..coming January again..
moreover I got 3 choices of job..
a.) go Genting Casino train as Croupier, already did the interview in September..passed and green-lit..just waiting for me able to attend the training..even training got earn money
b.) offered by hoong, distributing ~ required driving, he said I can try to borrow yung's ride..dont know need drive where..and distribute..50 bucks per day..1 week 5 days = 250, 1 month 4 week = 1k (but no way I was gonna work 1 month laaa haha)
c.) offered by hoong too, required driving around and transfer stuffs.. 80 bucks per day I think

oh and forgot to mention..I took off my green string bracelet..given by 1 of the monks when I was in Thailand at recent was splitting and damaged..I heard keep on wearing will do not I removed it and kept it..hope I will still be alright for future..may God bless..

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein


20 December 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

bad luck? [Tuesday 18 December 2012]

19 December 2012


actually..the title says it..this entry is for yesterday (Tuesday)
the date and time above is when I type this post :)

this morning..woke up around 8am by my Galaxy Mini's alarm, I used back my Galaxy Mini liao Lol ~
around 8am to 9am..the alarm rang non-stop..coz I was so blur and dunno where to look to close it
lol ~ felt so annoying and just wanna sleep..finally woke up around 10.30am..thought of going to Marketing tutorial de..but too late liao >,<
fired up the pc, showered ~ killed 1 mosquito :p
suit up, ate honey stars..and surf the web.. Facebook, twitter, comingsoon ~
surf surf surf surf surf...and continue download movies ~ still
until afternoon...think I killed few mosquitoes again..cant remember :p
then wanna take out my Tamadun's notes..end up dropping the file case to 1 of toe directly =.=
my god! I lost my !@#$ pain =.=
then went to 99 Speed Mart and bought groceries..46.45 ~
then ate lunch at PV5 rice stall ~ as I was eating..'met' this small keep on meow-ing for
at the end I didn't give any..but it kinda like know how to 'play play' because it attached its claw on my plastic bags =.= of course it sort of holey holey and holes but luckily still can a cat
lucky I'm not rude..if not I kick you!! Lol
saw this female mistook the elevator 6 as G haha as soon as the sign went 6 she went on to wait at the door
went back up ~ restocked, continued
mosquitoes made me fed up with them :( killed few of them..keep on coming and 'kiss' pissed
at evening thought of revising my Tamadun de...but end up didn't...suddenly felt so tired and sleepy at of a sudden..dont know what happen >.< then dont know whether I took a nap or what on the chair..
after a while got back tired..felt like I was gonna sick..ishhh
then felt so these bad things kinda like a combo last time...
last time my wallet lost and my hard disk spoiled...worth almost Rm500
now my Galaxy S3..worth around Rm1-2k (but of course I'm gonna claim warranty..waiting my 2nd brother)
felt so down...went to lie on bed..felt cold...watery eyes again..but no cry this time!!
continued pc..
met this 'Roger Black' guy on facebook..looks like he kinda like same interest with
movies and stuffs etc
well I add this guy through the confession page (sshhh)
between 8-9pm had my dinner, 2 packs of Mi Sedap chicken soup flavor..yummy yummy :)
delicious!! scrumptious!! tasty!! (just saying..haha)
then bro came back ~ I went shower ~ suit up pyjamas ~ lol
press my G.Mini different after you working on a screen protector mat for a long time
then suddenly transition to a normal screen ~
anyway..better than nothing ~

chatted with friends at fb, wrote my diary..
going to sleep soon ~ 2 more days to 21 December 2012..the so called 'end of the world' >,<
dont ask me whether I believe it or not..anything is possible
oh and today I discovered a lot of nice quotes..gonna share them 1 by 1 each day from this post onwards..

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln


19 December 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"first post" [Monday 17 December 2012]

testing 123..hehe's my 1st post/entry
my last 'dead' blog was October  2009 ~ Lol

okay, this morning,
I woke up around 10am ~
programming class has ended last week, today only had Q & A sessions..
I got nothing to ask ~
thought of going Tamadun lecture at 2pm ~
showered, around 11am ate honey stars :p
click Pc a while, type press click ~
then unsuit the curtain, 'fling' it at the balcony there ~ then throw into washing machine and wash ~ lol
yeeshh so dirty! then dont feel like going to lecture le lol, maybe just go English tutorial at 3.30pm
wash wash wash (using washing machine..haha) spinned around 10 rounds
so many this brown-green dust-like stuffs..yucks! also at the same time, I wiped the steel bars and partial of the dusty >.< sweep floor and apply cif to the wooden board under my bed (to prevent ants)
also downloading movies non-stop and organizing them ~
did all this until like 4pm something, then finally..peace haha
cook Maggi Mee curry flavor 2 packs and add a egg =D
very delicious!!!! x)
finally did all cleaning to my room...cleanse that curtains, cleanse that 2 floor mats, cleans my clothes..
preparing to revise my notes le..gotta prepare for final exam >.<
today didnt leave my house this entire day..didnt even wear slippers..Lol ~
fb, twitter, internet ~
night around 9.40pm had 2 packs Maggi Mee Goreng (dry mee), again taste good of course :p
then shower
also..worst-case-scenario...somehow dont know Samsung Galaxy SIII wont turn on...
it looks completely dead :( tried many of the solutions on internet..removing battery and place it..master reset..this hope :(
looks like it's dead..gotta claim warranty le..luckily..
if claim warranty and get a new one...hehe xD
pros: a new one, better looks (coz mine has fallen marks and minor crack on cover)
cons: gotta install all the apps again :( the Jellybean also I think..
then at midnight..around 1am, housemate Ben want go out and suddenly come to my room and ask me to borrow him Rm I did it and he say he'll return me when he changed his other country money notes ~
nothing else to type out :)

02:16am on my Bro's Pc