Monday, January 7, 2013

notezzz [Sunday 06 January 2013]

07 January 2013


well..still altering ~
today woke up around 11am, then snooze the alarm and again again ~
again the alarm dunno what problem wont off =3=
ended up waking around 1:30pm..
againnn..I dream again...that's 5th time in 6 day's sleep....

usual routines ~ around 4pm started writing notes again ~
gotta study this marketing subject >.<
last paper..tomorrow (Monday)
did headache a while ~ but whatever ~
write write write write...then around 6pm Hoong and sis came ~
around 6.30pm went out for dinner ~
duhh did he purposely ordered my fried rice to be spicy =.=

around 8pm back home ~
continue continue continue ~
memorize memorize memorize ~
then ate supper..cook noodles ~ around 12.15am ~
for the last no more noodles and I'm not planning to buy more..

gonna change my lifestyle again soon...
a little while..

gotta go back Ipoh on Wednesday..planned to buy train ticket at Tuesday ~
then gotta renew my passport ~
then meet up with hoehoe them ~
then off to Thailand at 15~20..
and back ~ then I have no plans afterward...aimless in that week..

uhhh tomorrow gonna last paper...must memorize all my needs >.<
good luck to myself

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela


07 January 2013

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